Well, let's see how ZOHO works. I'm currently in 'ZOHO Writer' and am going to attempt to post whatever I write here into my blog. According to what I read, there are many more options than writing from withing Blogger itself. As usual I have to find out for myself. Curiosity killed the cat you know.
ok, i just found where to change the font and i'm liking not capitalizing show let's go with that feel for a bit. what next? i already tried spell-check. how about some sort of smiley? let's see what they've got. hmmmm, a tad skimpy in that area. onward to.......somehow i'm supposed to be able to do all kinds of cool page set ups. i'm gonna save this first and then search more.
that was interesting. i messed with the page setup and found where you can add all kinds of things as headers and footers. unfortunately it's not turning out quite as planned SO i will now attempt to insert a photo directly into the document. here gos nothin'.
yet again, not as planned. the image ended up in its own document. must keep searching...
now to attempt putting it in my blog. if you're reading this i've succeeded.
Scary picture there, Infovampire, or should I say, Infozombie?
nice, huh? that was at the end of the day at faerieworlds down in oregon. we were both wearing sandals and our feet were totally covered in dirt. they actually look clean in the picture compared to real life!!!
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