Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wild Wild World of Wiki

It's week one of Wiki learning. I watched the tutorials, viewed suggested wikis, and am left with mixed feelings. The Stevens County Wiki Project started to get me inspired because of their link to community activities. I'm always looking for new things to try within the county. How fun that it's all together at a click away for them. I'd love it if that was included in our wiki.

I find myself coming back to the same thought on most of these assignments though. Who the heck has the time to maintain, say their blog, let alone signing up for 10 different sites???? Sorry, but I can't even keep up with the 4 email addresses I have and that's without adding in all these extra activities! Yes, many of the sites are cool but I don't see how it's possible to work full-time, do the daily stuff you gotta do and still have time to sit in front of your computer to mess with all the new stuff that pops up week to week.....well, unless you've got an IV coffee drip and NEVER sleep! On that note, I must go onto the rest of the assignment and check out the krl2pt0 wiki.

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