Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Starting Over

So, I spent 4 hours working on my first blog and was pretty happy with the results. Unfortunately I'm a bit concerned that my ongoing blog will not fit with what we're supposed to be doing for work. Just to be safe I've started another blog here to make sure I follow all the rules. I've kept the other blog for personal use so I can let the creative juices flow with no barriers. I'll begin this new blog with the first post from my first blog and go from there.........
My attitude about learning all this cool stuff:
to quote Spongebob "I'm ready!".........

"What should I write?"

"What's the point of doing a blog when there are millions out there? I'll just be another drop in the endless sea, to be lost with all the others."

"Don't people put themselves on the web just so they can hear (see) themselves talk or perhaps to try and make others listen? Hey, look at me!"

I asked myself those questions and many others, urging my brain to find a starting point on my new journey. The thought that popped in my noggin most was this..... The deepest part of me is shy and it took years to prod myself into being braver and more comfortably social. Sure, I've become much better at speaking up when needed or talking about nothing during those awkward social gatherings that scream for noise to fill the silence. Regardless, I'm still that shy girl who has to talk herself into going to the gatherings where I won't know everyone. And banish the thought that I would show up late. That would mean walking into a room of unknowns! What this all boils down to is that I have a brain full of thoughts but that doesn't mean that everyone needs to know about them. Just because we have the technology to be connected 24/7 doesn't mean that we should be.

My ongoing goal with this new project is to find a balance between being connected and still keeping a part of my being just for myself. The place I work at now has encouraged us to explore a whole list of new technologies including the almighty blog. So, let the adventure begin!


Cronehenge said...

I am looking forward to more on your blog. You have some very good questions re: why blog? etc.

So far, for me, it's been a creative outlet and greeting card to the world after being very shut down while raising a son, alone.

I don't think he would recognize me, at all, in my blog persona. But, it's still me. Aren't there all kinds that we show the world at different times and places?

Lisa S. said...

So far the hardest part has been writing the post for my site and posting a reply. I quit keeping a diary when I learned my beloved sibs were picking the lock. If people feel comfortable posting their thoughts and feelings fine, as for me and I'm glad to see you share this feeling, I'll keep part of me for myself. After all there's no fun without a bit of mystery!